Do you know that in 2017, 1.2 trillion digital photos were taken worldwide? If you do the math, this would mean that every single one of the 7.5 billion population takes 160 pictures! And it is no surprise to say that a majority of these photos were taken on smartphones.
We talked to people about this issues of taking photos and realise that we weren’t the only one guilty of taking repeated photos of the same thing.
Through our conversations, we realise people have way too many photos, but too little space. Out of the 10 college students we talked to, only one or two actually looks at their photos occasionally, some thinks that it is such a mess that they do not want to look at it unless they have a lot of time.
One last finding we learnt was that photos tend to lack a personal touch and could never encapsulate the feelings of the person behind the camera.
With these findings, we came up with intripid.